The Bleeding Heart!

Saprem Shah
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

The tale of the re-spawn of The Heart!

She was the dimple in his cheek,
The constant tingle in his soul,
The voice that made him weak,
Until she left him alone out in the dark cold.

Left in the morning without a warning,
With an open mind, he thought he will move away;
Until he woke up at midnight realizing there was no returning;
And gradually Sleep and Happiness slowly strayed away.

With all the courage he had,
He did make the dreaded call,
She spoke and suddenly he wasn’t sad.
But who knew it would be the last before he would completely fall.

With a fake smile, he appeared to move on every day.
He could picture her everywhere and yet see her nowhere,
Everything seemed to hurt and every second seemed a day;
But he knew he needed to go forward else he would be nowhere.

Tearing his heart apart, he rose with all the strength he found
And woke again, knowing he had to go under the open-heart surgery.
Started he; limping like a wounded hound
For the thousand miles to follow beginning from the nursery.

Locking up his heart, he threw the key away
Just to see who cared enough to search.
Fighting, struggling in the journey he made to the top way
Unplanned he found the one whom the god had researched;
He again found the fine coat that gave him warmth in the cold,
And now the one that he could tightly hold!



Saprem Shah

Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits necessary to sustain life but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for !